Monday, February 14, 2011

A Special Day!

Saturday was a very special day! Both of my girls were baptized by their father. We have had a rough couple of years but we are finally getting back on track. In December we mentioned to the Bishopric that the girls were eager to be baptized. So the first part of January, the Missionaries stopped by our house to ask if we would like to have the disscussions. We of course said "Yes" and then two nights a week the Missionaries would come over to give the kids a lesson. It was really nice to open our home to the Missionaries. We even got to feed them dinner a couple of times and got to know them really well. I have to say that we enjoyed it so much we plan to continue inviting the Missionaries over for dinner as often as we can. We were so blessed to have so many family members and friends attend and support us. After the baptism, we had a dinner, but it was so crazy I didn't get to take any pictures. Here are some pictures from before the baptism.

                                          The 5 of Us



                                  The 5 of Us with Elder S. and Elder D.

                                          Sara, Brian and Stephanie

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Last Friday Stephanie had surgery to have her tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes placed in her ears. Here she is at the hospital before they took her back for surgery.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Welcome to our family blog. I have wanted to start a blog for quite a while but have always put it off. I decided with the new year it was time to start. So here we are.