Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf

I just love Sara's and Wyatt's costumes this year. And they weren't even planned! I just wish I could have talked Stephanie into dressing up as Grandma. Wouldn't that have been cute?

Stephanie was being a pill and wouldn't even dress up. She even had a costume on to begin with then took it off at the last minute.


This year Wyatt has been so excited for Halloween. Every morning for about a week before, he would wake up in the morning and tell me "Happy Early Halloween!"  So it was no surprise when he was all smiles at his program.

Wyatt's School Program

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Random Fall Pictures

The kids were supposed to be raking up leaves. Doesn't look like they got too much done!

Fruits of our Labor

Earlier this spring, Brian spent many nights preparing this area that was previously a flower bed and turning it in to a garden area for me. He did such a great job and I love how it turned out.
I had such high hopes for our garden this year because we have always been successful with our gardening in the past. However it soon became apparent that we were only going to have these huge, gorgeous plants and nothing else to show for our hard work. We ended up with only a handful of squash, cucumbers that were bitter and tomatoes that were just starting to ripen just before the first frost.  I purposefully planted several tomato plants so that I could make some salsa and stewed tomatoes. But I had to improvise and ended up buying tomatoes from Bountiful Baskets so that I could work on getting our food storage built back up.

 I ended up only canning 4 out of the 5 boxes after I seen how much it was actually going to make.

In all, I ended up with 34 pints of salsa and 21 quarts plus 12 pints of stewed tomatoes.

Luckily I have a great family who gave me corn from their garden so that I could can corn too.

It sure is a lot of work but is so worth it when we can eat corn this winter that tastes like its fresh from a garden rather than out of a can.

She's 13! Can you believe it?

Last month was Stephanie's 13th birthday! Can you believe we actually have a teenager? Crazy! Stephanie wanted to do something different this year so she decided that she wanted to have a hot dog roast at Remember the Maine.  The weather was perfect and he had a great time visiting with family.

The best part was when the boys caught a water snake and decided to scare all the girls. It was priceless and the girls provided some great entertainment!