Thursday, April 14, 2011

Science Fair

Out of 400 sixth grade students at VMS, 50 were chosen to attend the Colorado Northwestern Community College Annual Science Fair in Rangely, CO.  Stephanie was one of the fifty chosen to attend. So this last Friday, Brian and I went with Stephanie to the science fair. There were a lot of creative projects and even though Stephanie did not take place in any of the categories, I'm still so proud that she even did a science project and that it was selected to go. Way to go!

While we were there, the kids got to check out the biology lab and the physics lab. In the biology lab, the students got to hold a brain and lungs and heart from a cadaver. The whole experience was really interesting. I just hope that Stephanie will start to take an interest in school now because we have been trying so hard to impress upon her how important an education is. So hopefully being in the college setting will give her the incentive to start getting better grades.

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