Monday, May 9, 2011

Wyatt's Baptism

Saturday May 7th Wyatt was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He has been so excited for this day ever since his sisters were baptized at the beginning of the year.

He is such a good boy and really tries hard to be a gentleman.

Sara and her friend Madison each gave a talk at the baptism and did really well. I am so proud of them both for doing such a good job and not getting nervous. What a blessing to have such good friends and family to support us on a special day. And thank you to everyone that helped with the luncheon afterward. It was nice to be able to enjoy some nice weather finally!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Break pt. 3

Friday was a pretty busy day too. We had the missionaries over for dinner. Then, of course, we had to color some eggs.

Then on Saturday we went to my sisters for lunch and the annual easter egg hunt.

Here's the kids waiting to be set free

Carter's mad because he found an empty egg

Then on Sunday, the Easter Bunny stopped by.

After church we enjoyed a nice quiet barbeque at Brian's parents'. It was a very busy weekend but we sure enjoyed every minute of it. Well, except for Sara being sick all weekend. We are just glad to have her breathing back to normal.

Spring Break pt. 2

Before Sara got sick I had arranged for a couple of Wyatt's friends to come play for a few hours for his birthday, but since I was going to be busy with Sara at the doctors office and the pharmacy, that left Brian in charge. This is what I came back to:

All the kids had so much fun and have been asking to do it again.

After that we had a church activity and a soccer game. Then we had some family and friends join us for dinner and cake and ice cream to celebrate Wyatt's birthday. It was a busy day but we all had a blast.

Monday, May 2, 2011

School Project

Sara was feeling a little left out that I never posted anything about her class project.
Her class has been studying South America and all the students were assigned a country to give a report on. They had to create land formations using salt dough to create a map and then they had to give an oral report on what they had learned. Sara was assigned Venezuela and this was the finished project:

I think she did a pretty good job.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Break

Spring break was pretty busy for us. It was full of doctor visits, soccer games, a birthday party, and family get-togethers.
It started out with us at the doctor's office with Sara. Tuesday afternoon she was diagnosed with bronchitis and by Wednesday afternoon she was getting worse so I took her back in to the doctor that night. Gotta love Dinosaurland's hours. So they had her do several breathing treatments trying to get her oxygen level back up. The doctor was concerned enough that he thought we would probably be admitted to the hospital but we would do a chest x-ray to see if she had pneumonia before we decided anything. So we went over to the hospital and had the x-ray done then went back to the doctor to get the results.  She did not have pneumonia. Yeah! But the doctor was still very concerned because her oxygen had still not come up where he felt comfortable sending her home. At this point Sara started to be her cute self and basically started begging the doctor to not put her in the hospital because she couldn't miss her brothers birthday the next day. Well it worked, but I had to promise to get up with her every 2 hours throughout the night to give her treatments and then to come back the next afternoon to have her oxygen checked again. What a long night!
So Thursday afternoon we went back and her oxygen level was back to normal. Phew! But we were given instructions to continue with treatments every 4 hours for the next 2 days then to gradually start taking her off the treatments. She is finally doing much better.