Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Break

Spring break was pretty busy for us. It was full of doctor visits, soccer games, a birthday party, and family get-togethers.
It started out with us at the doctor's office with Sara. Tuesday afternoon she was diagnosed with bronchitis and by Wednesday afternoon she was getting worse so I took her back in to the doctor that night. Gotta love Dinosaurland's hours. So they had her do several breathing treatments trying to get her oxygen level back up. The doctor was concerned enough that he thought we would probably be admitted to the hospital but we would do a chest x-ray to see if she had pneumonia before we decided anything. So we went over to the hospital and had the x-ray done then went back to the doctor to get the results.  She did not have pneumonia. Yeah! But the doctor was still very concerned because her oxygen had still not come up where he felt comfortable sending her home. At this point Sara started to be her cute self and basically started begging the doctor to not put her in the hospital because she couldn't miss her brothers birthday the next day. Well it worked, but I had to promise to get up with her every 2 hours throughout the night to give her treatments and then to come back the next afternoon to have her oxygen checked again. What a long night!
So Thursday afternoon we went back and her oxygen level was back to normal. Phew! But we were given instructions to continue with treatments every 4 hours for the next 2 days then to gradually start taking her off the treatments. She is finally doing much better.

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