Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Girls Camp

The last week of June Stephanie went to Girls Camp in Heber for the first time. She had a really good time even though she got homesick and ended up crying herself to sleep the second night, which is so unlike her because she has always been so independent. It was a good thing that her Aunt was there too because anytime she started to feel homesick she went and hung out with Alyssa for a little while.
She got to go out on a canoe on the lake, did the challenge course, and then on the day that it rained, they stayed inside and did manicures and facials. She had a good time and I'm glad that she missed me. I can't believe she is going to be a teenager in just a few short months!
We really missed her while she was gone for the week. Well, Sara didn't. She was way too happy to be in charge for the week!
Here is a few pictures from her trip.

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