Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last Days of Summer and First Day of School

The kids have loved the warm weather that we have had lately. Their favorite thing to do has been running through the sprinklers and jumping on the tramp with the sprinklers underneath.

We've had a really great summer and was sad to have it come to an end.
Now it's time to get back to a routine. And homework!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wyatt's Surgery

On the 11th, Wyatt had surgery to have his tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes placed in his ears. I was a little apprehensive about having the procedure done on this day because it was such short notice and because Brian was going to be out of town. But on the other hand the timing was good so that Wyatt would have almost two full weeks to recover before school begins.

I am so glad that we decided to go ahead and have the procedure done. It's amazing how different each child is.  When Stephanie had the same procedure done in February, she was miserable and missed almost a month of school. I think a lot of it had to do with how sick she was before the surgery.

Wyatt on the other hand was a trooper. He has done great. He has his ups and downs throughout the day, but the downs have been pretty minor. And he hasn't had to take any medication for the pain other than Tylenol!

When we were at the hospital and he was coming out of the anesthesia was probably the worst part of the whole ordeal.  And he was so funny. After they brought him out of surgery into the recovery room he was pretty upset and starting to climb out of the bed, wanting to go home. I finally get him calmed down, and he looks down at his arm and asks "Did I break my arm?" I had to laugh at that because it sure looked as if he had really broken his arm when really he just had a splint and gauze from his wrist to his elbow to hold the IV in place! It's so funny sometimes what kids think.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Sara!

Yesterday my baby girl turned 10! She is such a sweetheart and we are so glad she is a part of our family.
First Birthday
 10th Birthday

Several weeks before Sara's birthday I started asking her what she would like for her birthday. All she wanted for her birthday was dog treats for her dog Grace that she got for her birthday two years earlier. What kid asks for dog treats for their birthday?!!!

Sara and Grace 2 years ago

Sara wanted to go camping for her birthday so we spent the weekend on the mountain with Brian's family. It was a quick trip but we had a really good time! Then we rushed home early Sunday so that we could have a quick party with the grandparents.

While we were camping I found the tree that Brian carved our initials in before Stephanie was even a year old. Crazy that our family was just starting!