Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lemonade Stand

While Stephanie was at Girls Camp, Sara and her best friend Madison decided they wanted to do a lemonade stand. So Maddie's mom set them up a cute little stand at the end of the street. I thought they would be lucky to make a couple of dollars, but its hard to resist two adorable girls, and they ended up making almost $40.

I didn't even think about taking pictures so I stole these from Kristy. Hope you don't mind!!

They decided that they wanted to donate their money to Primary Children's Medical Center. So the next day I took them to the bank to get a cashier's check and to the post office to mail off the check along with a letter explaining how they raised the money.

When we returned from our vacation there was this letter in the mail from PCMC thanking the girls for their donation. Such sweet girls!!!

The handwritten part reads:
 "Thank you so very much for your kind gift of the money made at your lemonade stand. How very kind of you both! We wish you all the very best! Have a great summer!

I am so proud of them both for generously donating the money they made. It sure makes a mother proud when her child does something so wonderful!

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