Saturday, July 14, 2012

Summer Randomness

Over Memorial weekend Stephanie locked my keys in the car. Along with my spare set that was in my purse!

Stephanie went on Trek to Martin's Cove and had a great time! I sent her with a disposable camera and she never took any pictures. The only one we have is this one that was in the Vernal Express.

While Stephanie was on her trip with her dad, I decided to clean carpets. So I took all of the furniture out of the family room. I told Sara and Wyatt that they could have a camp out in the family room before I moved the furniture back in. When I woke up the next morning, this is what I found:

Running away with the pig


Beware of the creatures

Those two get along so well and always come up with crazy things to do!

We have a bird feeder set up at the back of our property to bring in finches. One day Brian noticed a stray cat sitting on the fence patiently waiting to get some dinner!


This year Brian and I each took a week off from work and went camping with his family. It was during the 4th of July week so we went up and set up camp and then we came down for the parade on Wednesday.

 My favorite part of the parade is when the jets fly over!

All the kids making a mad dash for the Coke truck to get a free apple juice!

Happy kids!

While camping, we did a little fishing.

Wyatt was the only one to catch anything. And it was so small that we turned it back!

And we can't go camping without someone getting tied up! Let's see you get out of that one Wyatt!!!

We went for some rides on the four wheeler. The smoke was pretty thick and made the sky look hazy.

Looking for bear tracks around the pond.

And a little target practice!

Wyatt wasn't expecting it to be so loud even with ear plugs!

Then we got back from shooting just in time for it to pour on us! And we sure needed the rain!

It's always a lot of work to go camping but it sure is nice to get away for a few days!

Road Tripping With Dad

Each of the kids have had a turn going on a job with Brian this summer. The kids have had so much fun spending a little one on one time with Dad plus getting to do a little sightseeing. And Dad spoils them when they go with him!

Stephanie and Dad

Sara and Dad

 Sara was so excited for me to get the film developed from their trip so I could see her pictures. Brian said that she was so nervous to lift open the lid to the baby rattlers.

Then it turned out to be baby rattlers. Literally. Not snakes like she thought.

Wyatt & Dad

Wyatt must have been bored!


I really enjoyed soccer this year. The kids were a lot more aggressive and competitive. I can't believe how much they improved from last year. Here is some of my favorites from the year.


This picture makes me laugh.
Check out Stephanie's facial expression!

