Saturday, July 14, 2012

A New Front Door

I started this post clear back in April and I'm finally getting around to finishing it. Back in March we decided something needed to be done about the front door. Replacing it was not an option so we decided to fill in the cracks with some wood filler and paint the door. What was supposed to be a quick project turned into a long drawn out project!

Paint got spilled on the carpet that was covering the concrete. So we ended up ripping up the carpet. Then we were left with the ugly yellow adhesive.

So then we had to strip the adhesive which took quite a while and we had to do it a couple of times to get it all removed. Then we decided since we were already painting we might as well paint the railing and the trim around the porch. After all that, we finally got the concrete painted to cover up the adhesive that we couldn't remove.

Even though it ended up being a lot of work and took a lot longer than anticipated, it was worth it because it updated the look of the house.

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