Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Quick Getaway!

So on Friday my wonderful husband decided we needed a weekend away. Just the two of us! It all started while I was at work. He texted me and and asked if I could get off early and that we could be in Vegas by 9. I thought he was just joking. But as our texts went on I realized he was serious. Then my next text from him was "BTW I'm Serious"! At that point it was 1:00 PM and time for me to get off work anyway. So I rushed home to start getting ready to go. By the time we got ahold of Brian's sister Tiffany to see if she would stay with the kids, and we got packed, it was 4:00 P.M. We left town with no plans and no hotel reservations. 9 hours later (1 AM) we arrive in Las Vegas. We were pretty exhausted so we checked into our hotel and went to bed.
The next day we got up and just walked the strip and did a lot of window shopping. It was so nice to be in warm weather. I think it was in the high 60's. Then that evening we went to a show. We decided to see Phantom. It was an awesome production. They put on a very good show. Plus it was even better because we were only 8 rows from the front!

Sunday morning we got up early and made the long drive home. We were both pretty sad to leave. It went by so quickly. But it was so worth the drive to get away and have some alone time together.
Thank you so much Tiffany for watching the kids for us even though you will be watching them again in a few weekends.

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