Sunday, February 26, 2012

My New Love

If you know me at all, you know that I am not a crafty person. At all! I can't just look at something and be inspired to create something wonderful. But I can take someone else's ideas and make that.
In comes Pinterest.
I love all the creativeness that you can find on there. I have found so many cute craft ideas and many delicious recipes. So I thought I would share a few of the things that I have made. 
Around Halloween I found a pin on how to make your own apothecary jars.
I thought they were so cute and versatile. All you had to do was change out the stuff in the jars to coordinate with the season/holiday. Cheap and easy. Or so I thought! Since we don't have any craft stores around here, I had to wait to make a trip to Orem. Then I was very disappointed that after going to every craft store in Orem, Provo and American Fork, I was not able to find a single thing to make these jars.
Fast forward to December.
I met Brian in Grand Junction one weekend to do a little shopping, and since I made it there before he did, I decided to check out Michael's. Luckily, I happened to find the four bases and two of the four finials. But I was still short two finials, the candlestick holders, and the jars, (I had actually ordered jars online since I couldn't find them in any of the craft stores. But once I received them, I knew that they just wouldn't work for what I had in mind. So I am saving them for another project.) so I pretty much gave up on the idea.
Then last week I came across a craft blog that had used food jars that they already had on hand (such as pickle jars) and she also used glass candlestick holders instead of wooden ones.
That's when I had my ah-ha moment. I had all of the stuff all along! I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of that. It was so simple.
So I went through my fridge and found some jars of food that was expired/expiring and cleaned the jars then I found my old glass candlestick holders and got to work.

And since I can't do just one project at a time, I decided to do a couple other things too!

I pulled down my green shelf that was in the living room and repainted it and replaced the wooden drawer knobs with metal knobs that I found clearanced at Wal-Mart.

It was in need of a makeover!

And for the last project that I was working on, I found free printable subway art like this one here.
That's when I decided to paint all of my old picture frames and put them to good use. I knew I held on to them for some reason! So all I had to do was save the free printables to my computer, then I just ordered prints from since my printer doesn't print very well. Then I had the kids help me paint the frames different colors to coordinate with the pictures.

I love that the apothecary jars and the subway art can so easily be switched out according to the holiday.
I am very happy with how the shelf turned out. I still need to find two more finials and some small letters and ribbon and I think the jars will look more complete. All in all I am pretty satisfied how they turned out. Even if it took me 5 months to get it done!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Better late than never, right?

I guess since its almost the end of February I will finally get around to blogging about Christmas!

We spend every Christmas Eve at my mom's and each year my mom gets all the grandkids an ornament for the tree.

Since we usually don't do too much at my mom's, my sister and I decided to spice things up a little and we had the kids act out the Nativity. They weren't too thrilled as you can tell by the look on Wyatt's face, but it still turned out really cute and maybe it will even help the kids to remember the true meaning of Christmas! 

Abbie (Mary) Sara (Angel Gabriel) Wyatt (Wiseman)
Christmas morning we got up early to see what Santa had left, then we rushed to get ready for church. My mother-in law was speaking in sacrament and we wanted to be there to suprise and support her.

And the kids were really excited to get new comforters for their beds since their old ones were about four years old and they had outgrown them!