Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Better late than never, right?

I guess since its almost the end of February I will finally get around to blogging about Christmas!

We spend every Christmas Eve at my mom's and each year my mom gets all the grandkids an ornament for the tree.

Since we usually don't do too much at my mom's, my sister and I decided to spice things up a little and we had the kids act out the Nativity. They weren't too thrilled as you can tell by the look on Wyatt's face, but it still turned out really cute and maybe it will even help the kids to remember the true meaning of Christmas! 

Abbie (Mary) Sara (Angel Gabriel) Wyatt (Wiseman)
Christmas morning we got up early to see what Santa had left, then we rushed to get ready for church. My mother-in law was speaking in sacrament and we wanted to be there to suprise and support her.

And the kids were really excited to get new comforters for their beds since their old ones were about four years old and they had outgrown them!

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