Sunday, February 26, 2012

My New Love

If you know me at all, you know that I am not a crafty person. At all! I can't just look at something and be inspired to create something wonderful. But I can take someone else's ideas and make that.
In comes Pinterest.
I love all the creativeness that you can find on there. I have found so many cute craft ideas and many delicious recipes. So I thought I would share a few of the things that I have made. 
Around Halloween I found a pin on how to make your own apothecary jars.
I thought they were so cute and versatile. All you had to do was change out the stuff in the jars to coordinate with the season/holiday. Cheap and easy. Or so I thought! Since we don't have any craft stores around here, I had to wait to make a trip to Orem. Then I was very disappointed that after going to every craft store in Orem, Provo and American Fork, I was not able to find a single thing to make these jars.
Fast forward to December.
I met Brian in Grand Junction one weekend to do a little shopping, and since I made it there before he did, I decided to check out Michael's. Luckily, I happened to find the four bases and two of the four finials. But I was still short two finials, the candlestick holders, and the jars, (I had actually ordered jars online since I couldn't find them in any of the craft stores. But once I received them, I knew that they just wouldn't work for what I had in mind. So I am saving them for another project.) so I pretty much gave up on the idea.
Then last week I came across a craft blog that had used food jars that they already had on hand (such as pickle jars) and she also used glass candlestick holders instead of wooden ones.
That's when I had my ah-ha moment. I had all of the stuff all along! I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of that. It was so simple.
So I went through my fridge and found some jars of food that was expired/expiring and cleaned the jars then I found my old glass candlestick holders and got to work.

And since I can't do just one project at a time, I decided to do a couple other things too!

I pulled down my green shelf that was in the living room and repainted it and replaced the wooden drawer knobs with metal knobs that I found clearanced at Wal-Mart.

It was in need of a makeover!

And for the last project that I was working on, I found free printable subway art like this one here.
That's when I decided to paint all of my old picture frames and put them to good use. I knew I held on to them for some reason! So all I had to do was save the free printables to my computer, then I just ordered prints from since my printer doesn't print very well. Then I had the kids help me paint the frames different colors to coordinate with the pictures.

I love that the apothecary jars and the subway art can so easily be switched out according to the holiday.
I am very happy with how the shelf turned out. I still need to find two more finials and some small letters and ribbon and I think the jars will look more complete. All in all I am pretty satisfied how they turned out. Even if it took me 5 months to get it done!

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