Saturday, July 14, 2012

Summer Randomness

Over Memorial weekend Stephanie locked my keys in the car. Along with my spare set that was in my purse!

Stephanie went on Trek to Martin's Cove and had a great time! I sent her with a disposable camera and she never took any pictures. The only one we have is this one that was in the Vernal Express.

While Stephanie was on her trip with her dad, I decided to clean carpets. So I took all of the furniture out of the family room. I told Sara and Wyatt that they could have a camp out in the family room before I moved the furniture back in. When I woke up the next morning, this is what I found:

Running away with the pig


Beware of the creatures

Those two get along so well and always come up with crazy things to do!

We have a bird feeder set up at the back of our property to bring in finches. One day Brian noticed a stray cat sitting on the fence patiently waiting to get some dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Madison and Spencer play well together just like Sara and Wyatt. It's funny to see what creativity they can muster when they're bored enough. I love your kids!
