Saturday, July 14, 2012


This year Brian and I each took a week off from work and went camping with his family. It was during the 4th of July week so we went up and set up camp and then we came down for the parade on Wednesday.

 My favorite part of the parade is when the jets fly over!

All the kids making a mad dash for the Coke truck to get a free apple juice!

Happy kids!

While camping, we did a little fishing.

Wyatt was the only one to catch anything. And it was so small that we turned it back!

And we can't go camping without someone getting tied up! Let's see you get out of that one Wyatt!!!

We went for some rides on the four wheeler. The smoke was pretty thick and made the sky look hazy.

Looking for bear tracks around the pond.

And a little target practice!

Wyatt wasn't expecting it to be so loud even with ear plugs!

Then we got back from shooting just in time for it to pour on us! And we sure needed the rain!

It's always a lot of work to go camping but it sure is nice to get away for a few days!

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