Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This is what happens when you jam your finger while playing basketball!

This picture does not do it justice!

Last night Sara came in from playing basketball to tell us that she hurt her finger. We looked at it and said that she probably just jammed it. As the night went on she just kept complaining about it hurting. It just looked a little red and swollen. Well, when it was time to put the kids to bed she finally says "Mom, look at my finger!" so I take a better look at it and by then it had started turning black and blue. So the next morning we took her to Urgent Care thinking that it was broken. They did x-rays but they said it didn't look broken but that they would have the radiologist take a look and let us know for sure. (Still haven't been able to get ahold of anyone to get any answers!) So they wrapped up her finger and sent us on our way.

Don't you think that's overkill for a jammed finger?

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