Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sara's letters

These letters were so cute I just had to share them.
Sara had an assignment for school where she had to write a letter to someone. She chose to write it to me. She wrote the letters from her perspective as well as from my perspective.
I did not edit. I left punctuation and spelling how she had it. You should be able to click on the letter to see a larger picture of it so you can read her letters.

Dear Mom,
I thought I need something to play with, a laptop, or IPad2, but the thing I want most is a grand piano. A house is not a house without a piano and our house does not have a piano. An IPad 2 and laptop are thing people buy because their great but they are not that great with it, there worse. Therefore, I still want a grand piano, even thou it is a 1,000 dollars. Please think about it.
Your hopful daughter,

Dear Sara,
I think it is a good idea that you want a piano, but are you really ready for this? I know that you are responsible, but maybe not ready for this. Why not dance? It's something you've done before. Why not gymnastics? It's something you wanted to do before.
Love your,

Dear Mom,
I'm really ready for this.I know that I am responsible. I did not choose dance because it can be boring. I didn't choose gymnastics because it can hurt you. Please reconsider.
Love your understandable daughter,
Dear Sara,
There is more to life than to play on a piano all day long. think about all that you are missing. You could be playing with your dog that you begged for. You could be hanging out with your friends or hanging out with family. Making money for college. Please think about it.
Sincerely your loving mother,
Dear Mom,
I know that I am missing a lot in life. I will pay for the books and leasons and cleaning supplies and the piano its self. Plus most of my friends have a piano. It is my dream to have a grand piano. Please don't break my dream.
Love your worried daughter,
Dear Sara,
I'm glad that you will pay for the stuff. How will you get the money? Instead of that how about something else? Me and your father talked about it and got you something else. Please don't be mad at us for not getting you the piano.
Love your mother,
Dear Mom,
I'm not mad at you I'm happy. Thank you so much for the baby duckling. Oh and can you help me find a name for her? Oh and how old is she? P.S. I don't really want the piano anymore.

Dear Sara,
I'm glad you arent mad at me. I thought about some names how about Bubble or Flower? She is 2 weeks old and strong. P.S. the piano was only 500 hundred dollars the duckling was only 30 dollars. I'm glad you don't want the piano anymore.
Love your mother,
Dear Mom,
Thanks for the information. I like the name bubble. Thank mom.
Your happy daughter,

What's really funny about the whole thing is that Sara really does want a piano. That was one of the things she asked for, for Christmas.

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